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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

So you've recently been playing great? Its time for a Lesson!

Some of the most helpful & productive lessons I've had in the past came right after playing well in a tournament. I wanted to have a second set of eyes take a look at my swing, wedge game, lag putting, etc. and have my instructor give his input into the reason for my improved play. This helped me identify some of my natural tendencies and embrace them. BUT often times I found that even though I may have been striking the ball well, my swing on video would look identical to previous lessons when I was striking it poorly. Mainly just a result of good timing of the clubface at impact and a bit of blind luck. But I would take advantage of my good clubface timing to make the necessary swing changes that improved my consistency. This made swing changes easier to adjust to and helped prevent the dreaded “getting worse before you get better”. Whats critical is working with someone with total understanding of the golf swing (which comes down to simply understanding how the best players in history use a golf club to strike a golf ball consistently)   

Nothing scientific here and no analyzed data, just my 2 cents from past experience.

On a side note regarding swing lessons… After being around the game for 30+ yrs, one thing I've learned is that most golf pros are able to at least slap a band aid fix on a student’s swing but don’t last and can lead to bigger problems. Often the pro giving the lesson is no better than the average amateur golfer and has little competitive experience. Even worse is the golf pro that pays a recurring fee to be a ‘certified XXXX swing method’ instructor. Claiming that their secret  method is the only correct way to swing and that all the touring pro’s are doing it. The real secret is that its a scam that forces the student to dish out big time $ and commit to dozens lessons to learn the latest swing fad. Both are a waste of time & money. 

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